Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Use side or edge lengths to find the perimeters and areas of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles and the volumes of cuboids.

Rich Assessment Task: WALT:  Use side or edge lengths to find the perimeters and areas of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles and the volumes of cuboids.

Complete the 3 problems below on a blog post and then put your name up for a teacher conference.
The best possible outcome
Answer to problem 1: #36 Is the perimeter that is the lowest so the rectangle has a length of 9 and a width of 4.
Answer to problem 2: #48 Is the perimeter that is the lowest a length of 8 and the width of 6
Problem 3:

Problem 3: 3 bags needed.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Peer Mediation Can Do 7

Today I did peer mediation and I didn't solve any problems AGAIN! (well not ones we had to record anyway) We walked around EVERYWHERE but especially the junior area because 1. they are cuter, 2. they have more problems and they are more sensitive. I showed respect by not being mean and just saying to bad when someone had a problem. I showed leadership by just doing the job even though I really wanted to play tag with all of my friends.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Technology Must Do 5

Today all the year 7/8s went to tech, I am in tech styles and today we just had a chat about the process of making stuff (including selling them) I learnt you have to get feedback for heaps of people to know that it can go on sale, but you have to ask an important person that says that but I forgot what the name was. We also had to get a partner and they got to chose out of a shoe, a bed or a bag, and I interviewed them to know what I would have to make it look like. I showed excellence by cleaning up after I had done a prototype of a shoe (because that what my partner chose) I showed leadership by helping Savannah with making the bag she had to make for me, because she didn't know what to do.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Kapa Haka Can Do 6

Today we did kapa haka and at the start all the non-performance group was there and we did a couple songs for them then we performed our performance for the night and I did poi and we all worked on our transition but we REALLY need to work on the poi song, I showed respect to the poi's. I showed leadership by listening and trying my best.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Assembly Must do 4

Today I had assembly and I was sharing my learning in it! I shared about my action plan witch is a writing plan where you pick a goal e.g mine was peer mediation, then you choose 3 things you could work on e.g mine were 1. Turning up on time, 2. Going around the school not in one place, 3. Read the card that has the script on it, then you say how you can achieve each one and what time you would do it. I showed active thinking for being chosen by the teacher for this because he thought I hare a great action plan, I showed leadership by showing a good example of sharing to the school.

Peer Mediation Can do 5

Today I did peer mediation, Wednesday the first half of lunch is my duty and most days I do it but when I'm sick I can't. We solved a tiny little problem and someone took someone else's ball and then they fighter a bit but not physical luckily! I sorted that one out while the other people in my group were doing something else? I showed respect by not judging them for their problem, I showed leadership because I wasn't being silly and just running away from the problems, I stayed and sorted them out properly.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Technology Leadership Excellence Must Do 3

Yesterday the seniors went to Lincoln primary for technology. At the moment I am doing techstyles and we did sewing. First we learnt how to put the thread onto the sewing machine and also the bobbin. Then she told us to get a piece of fabric and practice sewing and getting the feel because most of my group haven't sewn before. Then we made a little pocket thing. I think I showed Excelence for helping the people that haven't sewn before. I showed leadership by trying my best to do sewing even though I haven't REALLY done this before.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Kapa Haka Leadership Excellence Can Do 4

Today I did kapa haka and basically we just did some practice on our transitioning and the poi and stuff like that. A parent was watching because she was going to take some of the year 7 & 8's because we go to Te hapua and the rest of us either do garden to table or buddy class. So we did loads of practice, we did so much practice we started practice at 9:15 and ended at 11:10. I showed excellence by being patient and doing the long long practice. I showed leadership by being responsible and waiting to get the poi respectfully.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Peer Mediation Leadership Excellence Can Do 3

Yesterday I did peer mediation with Elizabeth and Jack H, we went around the WHOLE school. We solved a few miner problems we didn't have to record the down. The little kids were the ones that had the most problems because they get very emotional when something little happens! I showed the learner quality of resilient by not giving up on the problem and just saying sort it out yourself, I showed leadership by showing a good example to the little kids.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Maths. WALT: Understand addition and subtraction of fractions, decimals, and integers

This was my last activity (the extended abstract task)

For this WALT I learned for the algorithm you always start from the back because I always started from the front and got them wrong on IXL; unless it was an easy one that had no numbers over the number 10.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Technology Leadership Excellence Must Do 2

Today I went to Tech and my group changed to tech styles, witch is sewing and making stuff like that. but today we were just trying out and wewere learning about fabrics and what ones are fit for purpose if you want to make jeans and stuff like that.We also found a table at the start and we had to look at the sewing machine and see what number you were and I was number 2. So that's  what we did today. I think I showed respect by listening to my tech teacher and respecting her differences because she said she had dislexia, I showed leadership by knowing how to sew and teach others that were new to sewing.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Kapa Haka Leadership Excellence Can Do 2

Today we did kapa haka, We were practicing our transitions between songs. We also did the poi, and just joined kapa haka so it was a bit hard to remember the actions but I could still remember the words to the songs. I think I showed excellence because I was doing all the actions right and trying my best. I think I showed leadership by being sensible and listening (a good role model)

Vocab Week 5

Year 7/8: I can use my growing wide range of academic and content-specific vocabulary to understand texts.

Year 9/10: I have a large vocabulary that is connected to my own knowledge about the world.

Name of Text: Underground Explorers

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Void: an empty space or vacuum.

Fluorescent: able to give off visible light after being exposed to a source of heat, light, or other form of energy

Vulnerable: able to be hurt or injured

Interconnected: to connect or cause to be connected one to the other or others.

Seldom: not often; rarely.

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Example/Non Example
Is a void messy? Why or why not?
It could be because there could be blood everywhere.
Which color is the most fluorescent at night? Why?
Black because it will be dark in the cave because no sun.
Why are elderly people more vulnerable than children? Why?
Because if they have one little scratch it really hurts them and because they are very sensitive.
Which is more interconnected; a vine or a dandelion? Why?
Dandelion, because there are loads of petals that are connected off it.
Which is more seldom; the Olympics or an election in NZ? Why?
Olympics because its only every four years.

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Word Associations
The plants in the garden are die during a frost
Vulnerable: able to be hurt or injured
There were lots of different paths that joined each other
Interconnected: to connect or cause to be connected one to the other or others.
I made a shot from halfway while facing backwards.
Seldom: not often; rarely.
We are still exploring  outer space.
Void: an empty space or vacuum.
I can find my key ring easily in the dark.
Fluorescent: able to give off visible light after being exposed to a source of heat, light, or other form of energy

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Word Relationships

How might each pair of words be connected?
Vulnerable: able to be hurt or injured. Fluorescent: able to give off visible light after being exposed to a source of heat, light, or other form of energy. In both of these you can get hurt.
Void: an empty space or vacuum. Interconnected: to connect or cause to be connected one to the other or others.
When something is empty of has a gap, you need to interconnect it to fix it.

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Extended Writing
Think of a time when you felt as though you were in a void or when you saw something that happens seldom. Write a paragraph about this.
When NZ won a game of netball to Aussie I was very surprised because NZ has NOT got as many choices of good players; but Aussie has all of Aussie to chose from, also it was just a fluke because every other game Aussie has won. Its always been NZ and Aussie in the finals.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Peer Mediation Leadership Excellence Can Do 1

Today I did my peer mediation duty and even though we didn't get many problems to solve at the start when we were just finishing and walking back to class everyone came up to us and had a problem it seemed like the whole school had a problem for us to solve; so we went a bit overtime! I showed respect by respecting other peoples problems and not judging them. I showed leadership by reading the card and following the steps and not giving them advise just letting them work it out.

Technology Leadership Excellence Must Do 1

Today we went to Lincoln primary school for tech this is the last week on cooking for me! We made burgers from scratch. Like when I say from scratch I mean making the bread/ burger buns and the meat! First we made the bread with flour, sugar, zest and some more I cant remember! then we placed the bowl of dough near the oven and it inflated to twice the size it already was. Then we left it there and made the meat, cooked both and then built them. I showed community by being aware of others. I showed leadership by lining up properly and waiting my turn.